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Collection Of Yard Waste And Biodegradable Materials

This season, keep your lawn neat and clutter-free.

The word "yard trash" refers to the organic waste accumulated on your lawn over the year. The more yard waste you have, the worse it looks, and the slower your lawn grows since it cannot breathe. Learn more about yard garbage collection in the next paragraphs.

Types Of Waste You'll Come Across While Working In Your Yard

  • Tree branches, twigs, and limbs

  • Leaves

  • Brush

  • Grass clippings


Composting is the term used to describe the process of recycling yard waste. It is a biochemical process in which organic matter is broken down over time. The result is nutrient-rich soil that is returned to the ground to encourage the growth of new organic life due to recycling these components.

Collecting Debris

Smaller materials, such as grass clippings, leaf piles, and twigs, can be collected and mixed in various ways. Make a trip to your local nursery, hardware, or home improvement store to get some supplies. Garbage bags are the most environmentally friendly way to collect yard waste. Paper and compostable plastic bags are available. These bags, along with the garbage they contain, are designed to biodegrade.


Bigger items like tree branches and limbs should be collected then tied together using rope or twine. You can also find these at the types of local stores mentioned above.

Grass Clippings

Grass clippings are commonly picked up, but there's an easier way that doesn't need you to bag them. Try leaving your old grass clippings on your Yard instead of picking them up so they can degrade. Left to decay on your lawn, grass clippings release nutrients into your soil.

Waste Removal

Old yard garbage should be properly disposed of by Jedi Junk Removal & Demolition's committed staff. To arrange a pick-up, call us at 805-367-3092 right away. We offer affordable prices, and we work fast.


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