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New Year, New Beginning: 4 Things To Get Rid Of Now To Prepare For The New Year



Damaged Furniture

Furniture that is in a bad state of repair. Furniture is likely to be towards the top of your list of things that take up the most room in your house. You haven't had time to fix that broken chair yet. How long has it been sitting in your attic? Although your intentions may be good, if you're not a frequent do-it-yourselfer, it's time to leave the house. And who knows? You could get rich doing it! Consider offering it at a significant discount in your local Facebook Marketplace group if one can repair the item. Possibly, it will be taken from your possession.

New Clothes

New/Unused Clothes

Items of clothing that you have outgrown. We've all had clothing items in our wardrobes that have holes or unattractive stains that we want to clean up so we can wear them again. Of course, we also have clothing that we don't wear and some are new, but who knows? The things that take up room and that you will never wear again should be disposed of. Discard the soiled and holey items in the garbage and donate the usable ones.

Old Paperwork

Anything you no longer require should be recycled rather than thrown away. Before you begin, be certain that all papers containing sensitive personal information have been destroyed. Instead, allowing priceless artifacts such as children's artwork to accumulate dust in a box, consider scanning it so that you may save it forever—while also freeing up space in your home.

New Toys


Did your children's messy room come to light as a result of the Christmas present exchange? Choose toys from the pile that are appropriate for the child's age and interests. Then, assign each toy to one of three piles: the ones they desire to keep, the ones still in good shape, and the ones that have seen their last round of play.

New Things

Get Rid Of The Clutter Right Now!

Whether you need to get rid of a large item like a couch or clear a little one like old toys, Jedi Junk Removal is here to help. With us, you'll get upfront pricing, a professional staff, and prompt, courteous service. So, call us today at 805-367-3092 for the fastest and most affordable removal and demolition service in all of southern California!


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